It crashes, then nothing.
It crashes, then nothing.
Sigh you would think after seeing 119 1 star scores i would get the point but nooooooooo ooo shooters bring it on download crash crash CRASH very annoying do not download last warning youll be sorry 120 1 star votes cant be wrong
I have an iPhone 4 running 4.1. First time it ran for about 15 seconds of gametime, it suddenly crashed. Second time, the lag was so unbearable that I just had to turn it off (lag was about 3-5 seconds). Doesnt work.
It freezes & those ads got to go man I dont know why app developers put in these ads in they should take them out no body use them anyway
It starts but after loading the first level it just freezes and crashes. I am using an iPad and iPhone 4 both with the latest iOS.
No wonder it was free. Unplayable and not worth it. The game crashes.
Just an ad platform
This seems like it would be an excellent game, but theres too much wrong with it... Its very choppy and there are ads on the bottom of the screen... They should put the ads before and/or after every level like the Flixster app... Dont pay $3 for this app, for $3 you should get a game that works fluidly and doesnt have ads... This game doesnt qualify on either count... Fix these issues, and Ill adjust my rating, until then, dont bother downloading this crAPP...
Very choppy,laggy, freezes , slow response , dumb ads too , even when u got the paid version!
YOU FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give it more levels and youve earned another star ;)
Too choppy to play.
This is a horrible app, really choppy and the add in the middle of the game ruins it.
Game crashes nearly instantly. Maybe if the developer focused more time on the game and less time shoving apps into the game play the app may work.
This game has so much potential, but the plane control Is buggy ( like its too slow and stuck on a grid ) instead of smooth quick scrolling. The game needs an "energy bar" to keep u alive longer and interested in the game. Just add that plus smoother + faster scrolling and this game us a hit.
3$ and its got ads?
This game is just what I was looking for, please fix asap so I can play. Other than the fact I cant even play it for more than 10 seconds, seems like it will be a great game. Update fix asap please. Thank u!
I very like this game! Is very cool
Frame rate is bad, crashing issues, and constant ads on the bottom of the screen. When performing well its a decent shmup, but there are just too many problems to make it worthwhile.
The game is jumpy, not smooth at all. Which is tolerable considering its a free game. The ads on the bottom is very annoying, again, forgivable given its a free game. But in the middle of a game, the ads constantly getting triggered without being clicked on and takes me out of the game. And when I try to get back to the game, it DOESNT save my progress. Im forced to restart at the beginning of the level. Not worth your time at all. This is deleted from my phone.
This looks like it could be a fun game, but Ive never managed to play longer than 5 minutes at the most. It crashes on me with regularity. And yes, Ive tried cycling the iPhone 4 to clear out memory to no avail. Disappointing!